Top — English Portuguese translation21 translation found

top (n) (clothing) parte de cima (f) (n) (clothing)
top (n) (development) apogeu (m) (n) (development)
top (n) (development) topo (m) (n) (development)
top (n) (development) ápice (m) (n) (development)
top (n) (importance) topo (m) (n) (importance)
top (n) (mountain) pico (m) (n) (mountain)
top (n) (toy) pião (m) (n) (toy)
top (n) (mountain) cume (m) (n) (mountain)
top (n) (mountain) topo (m) (n) (mountain)
top (n) (clothing) blusa (f) (n) (clothing)
top (n) (mountain) cimo (m) (n) (mountain)
top (n) (development) auge (m) (n) (development)
top (n) (surface) parte de cima (f) (n) (surface)
top (n) (development) cume (m) (n) (development)
top (n) (bottle) rosca (f) (n) (bottle)
top (n) (bottle) tampa (f) (n) (bottle)
top (n) (surface) topo (m) (n) (surface)
top (a) (position) mais alto (a) (position)
top (a) (importance) principal (a) (importance)
top (v) (meeting) arrematar (v) (meeting)
top (v) (meeting) concluir (v) (meeting)
Top examples46 examples found
onomatopoeia onomatopéia
at the top encima
at the top no alto
be in top form estar em excelente forma
be in top form estar em boa forma
humming top pião sonoro
humming top pião musical
in tip-top order no lugar
in tip-top order em ordem
on top encima
on top encima
on top em cima
on top por cima
on top no alto
screw top tampa
screw top rosca
screw top tampa de rosca
screw top tampa de rosca
spinning top pião
tank top camiseta sem manga
top coat ltima mão
top hat cartola
top off finalizar
top off concluir
top off rematar
top off arrematar
top off fechar
top secret altamente secreto
top secret estritamente confidencial
top up completar
top up completar
top up complementar
top-class sport esporte de alto nível de competição
top-class sport esporte de alta competição
top-flight de primeira classe
top-flight de primeira
top-flight de primeira categoria
top-notch formidável
top-notch sensacional
top-notch excelente
top-notch de primeira classe
top-notch de primeira classe
top-notch de primeira categoria
top-notch de primeira
top-notch chocante
twist top tampa de rosca
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