Court — English Portuguese translation19 translations found

court (n) (royalty) corte (m) (n) (royalty)
court (n) (law - man) magistrado (m) (n) (law - man)
court (n) (law - woman) juíza (f) (n) (law - woman)
court (n) (law) tribunal (m) (n) (law)
court (n) (house) quintal (m) (n) (house)
court (n) (law - man) juiz (m) (n) (law - man)
court (n) (law - people) corte (m) (n) (law - people)
court (n) (sports) quadra (f) (n) (sports)
court (n) (house) pátio (m) (n) (house)
court (n) (law) corte (m) (n) (law)
court (n) (law - woman) magistrada (f) (n) (law - woman)
court (n) (law - people) tribunal (m) (n) (law - people)
court (v) (flattery) puxar o saco de (v) (flattery)
court (v) (love) fazer a corte (v) (love)
court (v) (popularity) aliciar (v) (popularity)
court (v) (flattery) adular (v) (flattery)
court (v) (love) cortejar (v) (love)
court (v) (popularity) seduzir (v) (popularity)
court (v) (flattery) bajular (v) (flattery)
Court examples35 examples found
police court judge juíza de tribunal de polícia
police court judge magistrada
police court judge juiz de tribunal de polícia
police court judge magistrado
European Court of Justice Tribunal de Justiça Europeu
International Court of Justice Tribunal de Justiça Internacional
Supreme Court Supremo Tribunal
Supreme Court Supremo Tribunal
bring a case before the court levar um caso ao tribunal de justiça
bring somebody to court processar alguém
bring somebody to court abrir um processo contra alguém
court of appeal tribunal de apelação
court of appeals tribunal de apelação
court of cassation tribunal de cassação
court of chancery tribunal de eqüidade
court of chancery tribunal especial
court of equity tribunal de eqüidade
court of equity tribunal especial
court of justice tribunal
court of justice corte
court of law tribunal
court of law corte
court-martial processar na corte marcial
court-martial conselho de guerra
court-martial corte marcial
magistrate's court tribunal de polícia
police court tribunal de polícia
presiding judge of the Supreme Court juíza do Supremo Tribunal
presiding judge of the Supreme Court presidenta do Supremo Tribunal
presiding judge of the Supreme Court juiz do Supremo Tribunal
presiding judge of the Supreme Court presidente do Supremo Tribunal
presiding judge of the Supreme Court presidente do Supremo Tribunal
small-claims court tribunal de pequenas causas
small-debts court tribunal de pequenas causas
tennis court quadra de tênis
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