Court — English German translation21 translation found

court (n) (law - people) Gericht (n) (n) (law - people)
court (n) (house) Hof (m) (n) (house)
court (n) (law - woman) Richterin (f) (n) (law - woman)
court (n) (royalty) Hof (m) (n) (royalty)
court (n) (law - man) Richter (m) (n) (law - man)
court (n) (sports) Platz (m) (n) (sports)
court (n) Gericht (n) (n)
court (n) (royalty) Hofstaat (m) (n) (royalty)
court (n) (law) Gerichtshof (m) (n) (law)
court (n) (law) Gericht (n) (n) (law)
court (n) Hof (m) (n)
court (n) (royalty) Residenz (f) (n) (royalty)
court (n) (law) Gerichtssaal (m) (n) (law)
court (v) (love) den Hof machen (v) (love)
court (v) freien (v)
court (v) werben (v)
court (v) (flattery) einschmeicheln (v) (flattery)
court (v) (love) umwerben (v) (love)
court (v) hofieren (v)
court (v) (flattery) schmeicheln (v) (flattery)
court (v) (popularity) werben um (v) (popularity)
Court examples21 example found
European Court of Justice Europäischer Gerichtshof
European Court of Justice Europäischer Gerichtshof
International Court of Justice Internationaler Gerichtshof
Supreme Court Oberster Gerichtshof
Supreme Court Oberster Gerichtshof
bring a case before the court einen Fall vor Gericht bringen
bring a case before the court eine Angelegenheit vor Gericht bringen
court of appeal Berufungsgericht
court of cassation Kassationshof
court-martial vor ein Kriegsgericht kommen
court-martial Kriegsgericht
police court Gericht für einfache Strafsachen
small-claims court Bezirksgericht
small-claims court Amtsgericht
tennis court Tennisplatz
tennis court Tennisplatz
Federal Constitutional Court Bundesverfassungsgericht
Federal Constitutional Court Bundesverfassungsgericht
German Federal Supreme Court of Justice Bundesgerichtshof
court costs Gerichtskosten
to court death mit seinem Leben spielen
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