Able — English Spanish translation5 translations found

able (a) (profession) capaz (a) (profession)
able (a) (profession) competente (a) (profession)
able (a) (profession) diestro (m) (a) (profession)
able (a) (profession) hábil (a) (profession)
able (a) (profession) idóneo (a) (profession)
Able examples60 examples found
be noticeable ser visible
be noticeable verse
be noticeable verse
be noticeable notarse
be noticeable notarse
be very noticeable distinguirse
be very noticeable resaltar
not applicable inaplicable
not applicable inaplicable
not be able to come to grips with something no poder enfrentar algo
not be able to come to grips with something no poder aceptar algo
not be able to get a handle on something no poder enfrentar algo
not be able to get a handle on something no poder aceptar algo
not be able to get to grips with something no poder enfrentar algo
not be able to get to grips with something no poder aceptar algo
not capable incapaz
not perishable no perecedero
not perishable imperecedero
not pronounceable impronunciable
not suitable impropio
not suitable inadecuado
not transferable intransferible
notable notable
notable notable
notable notable
notable notable
notable notable
notable notable
notable notable
notable digno de consideración
notable distinguido
notable admirable
notable distinguido
notable considerable
notable importante
notable apreciable
notable remarcable
noticeable notable
noticeable llamativo
noticeable visible
noticeable destacado
noticeable perceptible
make considerable strides hacer grandes progresos
make knowable to dejar saber
make knowable to hacer conocer
able-bodied saludable
able-bodied de buena salud
be able to afford poder afrontar
be able to afford tener medios para
be able to afford poder comprar
be able to buy poder afrontar
be able to buy tener medios para
be able to buy poder comprar
be able to cope with poder hacer frente
be able to cope with it poder resolver algo
be able to cope with it poder arreglárselas
make able capacitar
make able permitir
make able dar la oportunidad
not able incapaz
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