Twist — English Portuguese translation26 translations found

twist (n) (shape) volta (f) (n) (shape)
twist (n) (culinary - orange) casca de laranja (f) (n) (culinary - orange)
twist (n) (change) reviravolta (f) (n) (change)
twist (n) (culinary - orange) sabor (m) (n) (culinary - orange)
twist (n) (change) virada (f) (n) (change)
twist (n) (shape) curva (f) (n) (shape)
twist (n) (culinary - orange) gosto (m) (n) (culinary - orange)
twist (n) (dancing - music) tuíste (m) (n) (dancing - music)
twist (n) (culinary - lemon) sabor (m) (n) (culinary - lemon)
twist (n) (culinary - lemon) casca de limão (f) (n) (culinary - lemon)
twist (n) (culinary - lemon) gosto (m) (n) (culinary - lemon)
twist (n) (road) curva (f) (n) (road)
twist (v) (objects) rodar (v) (objects)
twist (v) (truth) torcer (v) (truth)
twist (v) (objects) girar (v) (objects)
twist (v) (river) ziguezaguear (v) (river)
twist (v) (truth) distorcer (v) (truth)
twist (v) (medicine) torcer (v) (medicine)
twist (v) (road) ziguezaguear (v) (road)
twist (v) (river) serpentear (v) (river)
twist (v) (cord) trançar (v) (cord)
twist (v) (truth) perverter (v) (truth)
twist (v) (cord) enroscar (v) (cord)
twist (v) (road) ondular (v) (road)
twist (v) (cord) torcer (v) (cord)
twist (v) (road) serpejar (v) (road)
Twist examples12 examples found
twist around enroscar
twist around enrolar
twist around enroscar-se
twist around enrolar-se
twist of fate capricho do destino
twist of fate obra do destino
twist of fate obra do acaso
twist out of shape deformar
twist out of shape contorcer
twist out of shape distorcer
twist together trançar
twist top tampa de rosca
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