Still — English Portuguese translation23 translations found

still (a) (sound) tranqüilo (a) (sound)
still (a) (wind) parado (a) (wind)
still (a) (wind) calmo (a) (wind)
still (a) (movement) imóvel (a) (movement)
still (a) (sound) calmo (a) (sound)
still (a) (sound) quieto (a) (sound)
still (a) (sound) silencioso (m) (a) (sound)
still (a) (wind) sem vento (a) (wind)
still (o) (intensifier) ainda assim (o) (intensifier)
still (o) (conjunction) contudo (o) (conjunction)
still (o) (degree) ainda (o) (degree)
still (o) (conjunction) todavia (o) (conjunction)
still (o) (but) todavia (o) (but)
still (o) (but) porém (o) (but)
still (o) (intensifier) ainda (o) (intensifier)
still (o) (but) ainda assim (o) (but)
still (o) (general) ainda (o) (general)
still (o) (intensifier) mesmo assim (o) (intensifier)
still (o) (intensifier) mais (o) (intensifier)
still (o) (conjunction) ainda assim (o) (conjunction)
still (o) (but) mas (o) (but)
still (o) (but) contudo (o) (but)
still (o) (quantity) ainda (o) (quantity)
Still examples23 examples found
it was dead still estava totalmente silencioso
come to a standstill chegar num beco sem saída
come to a standstill chegar a um impasse
standstill paralisação
standstill parada
be still in store estar por vir
be still in store estar no ar
be still in store estar pendente
dead still totalmente silencioso
keep still ficar parado
keep still ficar quieto
lie still ficar parado
lie still ficar quieto
sit still ficar parado
sit still ficar quieto
someone still owes someone something alguém ainda deve algo a alguém
stand still ficar parado
stand still ficar quieto
still existing preservado
still existing conservado
still life natureza morta
stock-still em repouso absoluto
stock-still completamente imóvel
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