Lane — English Dutch translation11 translations found

lane (n) (city) steegje (n) (n) (city)
lane (n) (road) laantje (n) (n) (road)
lane (n) (city) steeg (m) (n) (city)
lane (n) (traffic) rijstrook (m) (n) (traffic)
lane (n) (road) landweggetje (n) (n) (road)
lane (n) (sports) baan (m) (n) (sports)
lane (n) (city) doorgang (m) (n) (city)
lane (n) (walking) doorgang (m) (n) (walking)
lane (n) (traffic) rijbaan (m) (n) (traffic)
lane (n) (walking) pad (n) (n) (walking)
lane (n) (traffic) rijweg (m) (n) (traffic)
Lane examples5 examples found
breakdown lane pechstrook
breakdown lane vluchtstrook
four-lane highway vierbaansweg
get in the left-hand lane links voorsorteren
get in the right-hand lane rechts voorsorteren
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