Train — English Italian translation12 translations found

train (n) (clothing - woman) strascico (m) (n) (clothing - woman)
train (n) (clothing - woman) coda (f) (n) (clothing - woman)
train (n) (railways) treno (m) (n) (railways)
train (v) (training) allenarsi (v) (training)
train (v) (education) preparare (v) (education)
train (v) (education) istruire (v) (education)
train (v) (training) esercitarsi (v) (training)
train (v) (sports) allenare (v) (sports)
train (v) (animals) addestrare (v) (animals)
train (v) (animals) ammaestrare (v) (animals)
train (v) (military) addestrare (v) (military)
train (v) (military) esercitare (v) (military)
Train examples13 examples found
board a train salire sul treno
express train espresso
express train direttissimo
express train treno espresso
freight train treno merci
train driver macchinista
train driver macchinista
train for prepararsi per
train for studiare per
train of thought ragionamento
train of thought filo dei pensieri
train station stazione
train traffic traffico ferroviario
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