Tear — English Italian translation12 translations found

tear (n) (paper) strappo (m) (n) (paper)
tear (n) (sorrow) lacrima (f) (n) (sorrow)
tear (n) (clothing) sette (m) (n) (clothing)
tear (n) (paper) squarcio (m) (n) (paper)
tear (n) (clothing) strappo (m) (n) (clothing)
tear (v) (traffic) andare a rotta di collo (v) (traffic)
tear (v) (damage) strappare (v) (damage)
tear (v) (traffic) andare a gran velocità (v) (traffic)
tear (v) (traffic) andare a tutta velocità (v) (traffic)
tear (v) (traffic) andare di gran carriera (v) (traffic)
tear (v) (traffic) filare come un razzo (v) (traffic)
tear (v) (damage) stracciare (v) (damage)
Tear examples27 examples found
blink a tear out of one's eye asciugare una lacrima
blink away a tear asciugare una lacrima
large tear strappo
large tear squarcio
large tear spacco
tear apart stracciare
tear apart strappare
tear down demolire
tear down distruggere
tear down abbattere
tear gas gas lacrimogeno
tear into ribbons fare a brandelli
tear into shreds fare a brandelli
tear oneself free slegarsi
tear oneself free liberarsi
tear oneself free scappare
tear oneself loose slegarsi
tear oneself loose liberarsi
tear oneself loose scappare
tear out strappare
tear to ribbons fare a brandelli
tear to shreds fare a brandelli
tear up stracciare
tear up annullare
tear up strappare
tear up rompere
crocodile tears lacrime di coccodrillo
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