Architect — English German translation7 translations found

architect (n) Architekt (m) (n)
architect (n) (profession - man) Baumeister (m) (n) (profession - man)
architect (n) Architektin (f) (n)
architect (n) (profession - man) Architekt (m) (n) (profession - man)
architect (n) (profession - woman) Baukünstlerin (f) (n) (profession - woman)
architect (n) (profession - woman) Architektin (f) (n) (profession - woman)
architect (n) (profession - woman) Baumeisterin (f) (n) (profession - woman)
Architect examples1 example found
Every man is the architect of his own fortune Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied
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