Times — English Portuguese translation5 translations found

times (n) (past) era (f) (n) (past)
times (n) (past) tempo (m) (n) (past)
times (n) (past) época (f) (n) (past)
times (o) (multiplication) vezes (o) (multiplication)
times (o) (multiplication) multiplicado por (o) (multiplication)
Times examples22 examples found
ancient times antigüidade
at all times toda hora
at all times sempre
at all times sempre
at all times o tempo todo
at all times toda hora
at all times persistentemente
at all times constantemente
at all times constantemente
at all times continuamente
at all times continuadamente
between times entretanto
between times entrementes
between times neste ínterim
four times as much quádruplo
four times as much quatro vezes mais
how many times quantas vezes
prehistoric times era pré-histórica
prehistoric times pré-história
spirit of the times espirito dos tempos
spirit of the times espírito da época
two times duas vezes
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