Pot — English French translation8 translations found

pot (n) (body) gros ventre (m) (n) (body)
pot (n) (quantity) pot (m) (n) (quantity)
pot (n) (body) bedaine (f) (n) (body)
pot (n) (container) pot (m) (n) (container)
pot (n) (body) bedon (m) (n) (body)
pot (n) (gambling) pot (m) (n) (gambling)
pot (n) (hygiene) pot de chambre (m) (n) (hygiene)
pot (n) (body) brioche (f) (n) (body)
Pot examples10 examples found
chamber pot pot de chambre
chimney pot mitre de cheminée
earthenware pot récipient en argile cuite
go to pot aller à la ruine
go to pot se dégrader
go to pot aller à la dérive
go to pot péricliter
go to pot décliner
pot holder manique
pot holder poignée
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