Throw — English Spanish translation3 translations found

throw (v) (objects) arrojar (v) (objects)
throw (v) (objects) lanzar (v) (objects)
throw (v) (objects) precipitar (v) (objects)
Throw examples47 examples found
throw away derrochar
throw away malgastar
throw away tirar
throw away gastar
throw away dilapidar
throw away despilfarrar
throw away dejar pasar
throw away sacarse de encima
throw away perder
throw away desperdiciar
throw away disipar
throw away echar
throw away descartar
throw away desperdiciar
throw back rechazar
throw in añadir
throw in lanzar dentro de
throw in tirar en
throw into confusion desarreglar
throw into confusion desorganizar
throw into confusion trastornar
throw into confusion embrollar
throw it up abandonar
throw it up dejar
throw it up renunciar a
throw of tirar
throw of derribar
throw off quitarse de encima
throw off despistar
throw out tirar
throw out arrojar
throw out rechazar
throw out tirar
throw out expulsar
throw out echar
throw out botar
throw out expeler
throw together construir precipitadamente
throw up devolver
throw up vomitar
throw up one's studies dejar los estudios
throw up one's studies abandonar los estudios
throw-away article artículo para tirar
throw-away article artículo no reutilizable
throw-in saque de banda
within a stone's throw muy cerca
within a stone's throw a tiro de piedra
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