By — English Italian translation15 translations found

by (o) (dimension) per (o) (dimension)
by (o) (means) per mezzo di (o) (means)
by (o) (travel) per (o) (travel)
by (o) (location) vicino a (o) (location)
by (o) (multiplication) per (o) (multiplication)
by (o) (general) per mezzo di (o) (general)
by (o) (division) per (o) (division)
by (o) (location) presso (o) (location)
by (o) (general) tramite (o) (general)
by (o) (general) con (o) (general)
by (o) (means) con (o) (means)
by (o) (travel) via (f) (o) (travel)
by (o) (travel) attraverso (o) (travel)
by (o) (books) di (o) (books)
by (o) (time) prima di (o) (time)
By examples76 examples found
gone by passato
good-by ciao
good-by arrivederci
good-by arrivederci
good-by addio
good-bye ciao
good-bye arrivederci
good-bye arrivederci
good-bye addio
goodby ciao
goodby arrivederci
goodby arrivederci
goodby addio
goodbye ciao
goodbye arrivederci
goodbye arrivederci
goodbye addio
let go by buttare via
let go by bruciare
let go by perdere
let go by lasciare andare
let go by lasciarsi sfuggire
fly-by parata aerea
fly-by-night nottambulo
flyby parata aerea
by a fluke per pura fortuna
by a fluke per puro caso
by chance all'improvviso
by chance per caso
by chance alla sprovvista
by chance inaspettatamente
by degrees poco a poco
by degrees progressivamente
by degrees per gradi
by degrees gradatamente
by degrees gradualmente
by express per espresso
by far di molto
by far di gran lunga
by giro per bancogiro
by giro per giroconto
by hand manuale
by hand a mano
by itself da solo
by itself in sé e per sé
by itself di per sé
by lack of in difetto di
by lack of in mancanza di
by mistake accidentalmente
by mistake per sbaglio
by oneself da solo
by oneself solo
by the way a proposito
by way of passando per
by way of col fine di
by way of via
by-product prodotto
by-product conseguenza
by-product risultato
by-product sottoprodotto
by-road strada secondaria
fly by volare
go by trascorrere
go by passare
go by passare
lay by riporre
lay by mettere da parte
lay by conservare
put by riporre
put by mettere via
put by mettere da parte
passer-by passante
passer-by passante
whizz by volare
get by cavarsela
get by farcela
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