To — English Spanish translation21 translation found

to (o) (preference) más de (o) (preference)
to (o) (general) por (o) (general)
to (o) (causing) causando (o) (causing)
to (o) (time) menos (o) (time)
to (o) (in honor of) a (o) (in honor of)
to (o) (until and including) hasta (o) (until and including)
to (o) (general) con respecto a (o) (general)
to (o) (preference) más que (o) (preference)
to (o) (causing) a (o) (causing)
to (o) (time) para (o) (time)
to (o) (destination) a (o) (destination)
to (o) (reaching as far as) hasta (o) (reaching as far as)
to (o) (general) de (o) (general)
to (o) (direction) a (o) (direction)
to (o) (indirect object) a (o) (indirect object)
to (o) (reason) para (o) (reason)
to (o) (in each) por (o) (in each)
to (o) (general) para (o) (general)
to (o) (direction) hacia (o) (direction)
to (o) (general) a (o) (general)
to (o) (general) comparado con (o) (general)
To examples454 examples found
jump to conclusions sacar conclusiones precipitadas
get around to llegar a
get around to tener tiempo para
get down to llegar a
get down to tener tiempo para
get ready to prepararse para
get someone to understand something meter algo en la cabeza de alguien
get someone to understand something hacer entender algo a alguien
get something into someone's head meter algo en la cabeza de alguien
get something into someone's head hacer entender algo a alguien
get something through to someone meter algo en la cabeza de alguien
get something through to someone hacer entender algo a alguien
get used to acostumbrarse
get used to the work acostumbrarse a un trabajo
get used to the work ponerse al tanto en un trabajo
get-together reunión
not be able to get to grips with something no poder enfrentar algo
not be able to get to grips with something no poder aceptar algo
give full vent to dar libre curso a
give no credit to no dar crédito a
give no credit to dudar de
give credit to dar crédito a
give credit to creer en
give dignity to dignificar
give dignity to realzar
give it to someone straight decir a uno cuatro verdades
give it to someone straight ser franco con alguien
give it to someone straight ser honesto con alguien
give it to someone straight decir a alguien la completa verdad
happen to be resultar ser
happen together suceder al mismo tiempo
happen together concurrir
happen together coincidir
have not quite got used to the idea no haberse acostumbrado a una idea
have nothing to do no tener nada que hacer
have the forethought to tener la provisión de
have the forethought to tener la prudencia de
have the forethought to tener el sentido com n
have the forethought to tener la previsión de
have to be read leerse
have to pay for it aceptar la culpa por algo
have to pay for it aceptar la responsabilidad por algo
not have to work no tener que trabajar
not have to work tener libre
not have to work estar libre
fail to agree no estar de acuerdo
fail to agree discrepar
fail to agree disentir
fail to keep faltar a
fail to obey insubordinarse
fail to obey desobedecer
failed to develop atrofiado
failure to mention silencio
next to last pen ltimo
devote oneself to dedicarse a
devote oneself to abogar por
aim one's attention directly towards apuntar hacia
aim one's attention directly towards concentrarse en
give directions to indicar el camino
be driven to extremes ser llevado al extremo
drive into a corner arrinconar
drive into a corner acorralar
drive too fast manejar sobre el límite de velocidad
extend one's hand to extender la mano a
be exposed to estar expuesto a
be exposed to estar expuesto a
be exposed to estar expuesto a
be exposed to estar sujeto a
lead to nothing llevar a ning n lado
lead to nothing conducir a nada
lean over backwards to esforzarse al máximo para
lean toward inclinarse por
lean towards inclinarse por
lean-to cobertizo
be liable to estar sujeto a
be liable to ser propenso a
lie detector detector de mentiras
be linked to estar relacionado
link together enlazar
link together unir
link together asociar
be likely to ser propenso a
like to compete ser competitivo
liken to comparar con
give on loan to dar el uso de
give on loan to prestar a
give on loan to dar prestado a
be opposed to oponerse a
become opposed to volverse en contra de
become opposed to ponerse en contra de
owing to someone pendiente
be inclined to inclinarse por
be unequal to ser incapaz de
be willing to do anything for estar dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa por
be willing to do something for estar preparado a hacer algo por
be willing to do something for estar dispuesto a hacer algo por
be dressed up to a T estar de punta en blanco
be dressed up to a tee estar de punta en blanco
be dressed up to the nines estar de punta en blanco
be up to one's expectations estar a la altura de las expectaciones de alguien
belonging to del mismo
belonging to de eso
something belongs to somebody algo pertenece a alguien
something belongs to somebody algo corresponde a alguien
bring back to life resucitar
bring back to life reanimar
bring discredit to oneself desacreditarse
bring discredit to oneself deshonrarse
bring into conversation mencionar
bring into conversation sacar a colación
bring into conversation introducir
bring shame to deshonrar a
bring shame to comprometer
bring somebody to court llevar a alguien a la corte
bring somebody to justice llevar a alguien ante la justicia
bring someone to his senses hacer sentar la cabeza a alguien
bring someone up-to-date poner al corriente a alguien
bring to a conclusion terminar
bring to a conclusion finalizar
bring to a conclusion concluir
bring to an end poner fin a
bring to an end terminar
bring to an end resolver
bring to an end revocar
bring to an end abrogar
bring to an end abolir
bring to an end arreglar
bring to an end suprimir
bring to completion terminar
bring to completion completar
bring to completion finalizar
bring to completion concluir
bring together poner en contacto
bring up to date poner al día
be ready to help estar dispuesto a
be ready to help estar listo para ayudar
be ready to help estar preparado para ayudar
make ready to prepararse para
ready-to-eat listo para comer
ready-to-wear confeccionado
ready-to-wear hecho
related to relacionado
related to vecino
refuse to accept less than seguir demandando
refuse to let in rechazar
with reference to con respecto a
with reference to en lo que respecta a
with reference to sobre
with reference to referente a
with reference to con referencia a
be reduced to poverty empobrecer
be reduced to poverty quedarse sin un peso
be reduced to poverty quedarse sin un duro
be reduced to poverty estar reducido a la miseria
be reduced to poverty quedarse pobre
resign oneself to resignarse a
resign oneself to conformarse con
pass onto quitarse de encima
pass onto descargarse sobre
pass onto pasar a
pay no attention to pasar por alto
pay no attention to dejar de lado
pin somebody down to a promise obligar a uno a mantener una promesa
point out to hacer observar
point out to hacer notar
point out to señalar
point towards apuntar hacia
make it up to compensar por
without regard to sin consideración de
without regard to sin tener en consideración
without regard to sin tener en cuenta
with respect to that en cuanto a
with respect to that con respecto a
without respect to sin consideración de
act uppity towards mirar lastimosamente a
act uppity towards condescender
be up to ser capaz de
be up to depender de
be up to estar tramando
cuddle up to acurrucarse
cuddle up to apretarse contra
cuddle up to arrimarse a
cut up into lots lotear
cut up into lots parcelar
look up to tener en mucho a
look up to tener una buena opinión de
look up to admirar
make up to halagar a
measure up to emular
nestle up to acurrucarse
nestle up to apretarse contra
nestle up to arrimarse a
play up to halagar
play up to lisonjear
play up to adular
sidle up to acercarse furtivamente
snuggle up to acurrucarse
snuggle up to apretarse contra
snuggle up to arrimarse a
stand up to enfrentarse con
stand up to resistir a
up to now hasta hoy
up to now hasta la fecha
up to now hasta ahora
up to standard a nivel
up to the time of hasta
up-to-date al día
up-to-date al día
up-to-date al tanto
up-to-date al corriente
up-to-date informado
up-to-the-minute al día
upset stomach dolor de estómago
call someone's attention to llamar la atención de alguien a
cling to each other abrazarse fuertemente
cling to one another abrazarse fuertemente
come close to igualar a
come close to comparar con
come into being emanar
come into being brotar
come into being surgir
come into sight estar a la vista
come into view mostrarse
come into view aparecer
come into view presentarse
come into view asomarse
come into view manifestarse
come near to aproximarse a
come near to acercarse a
come to a dead end llegar a un callejón sin salida
come to a deadlock llegar a un punto muerto
come to a deadlock estancarse
come to a deadlock estar paralizado
come to a deadlock llegar a un callejón sin salida
come to a decision llegar a una conclusión
come to a head empeorar
come to a head intensificar
come to a head escalar
come to a head agravarse
come to a standstill estancarse
come to a standstill estar paralizado
come to a standstill llegar a un callejón sin salida
come to a standstill llegar a un punto muerto
come to a stop pararse
come to a stop pararse
come to a stop hacer alto
come to a stop detenerse
come to an end terminar
come to an end concluir
come to an end llegar a su fin
come to an end expirar
come to an understanding llegar a un arreglo
come to mind volver
come to mind volver a la mente
come to nothing apagarse gradualmente
come to nothing desvanecerse
come to one's senses recobrar el juicio
come to one's senses sentar cabeza
come to rest pararse
come to someone's aid llegar al rescate de alguien
come to someone's aid asistir a alguien
come to someone's aid apoyar a alguien
come to someone's rescue llegar al rescate de alguien
come to someone's rescue asistir a alguien
come to someone's rescue apoyar a alguien
come together reunirse
come together juntarse
contrary to his habit contrario a su forma habitual
contrary to his usual practice contrario a su forma habitual
continue to support continuar dando apoyo
continue to support ser fiel a
continue to work hard at seguir trabajando duro en
continue to work hard at seguir con
make a complaint to formular una denuncia a
make a complaint to quejarse a
make a complaint to presentar una queja a
tailor according to ajustar de acuerdo a
tailor according to ajustar a
take by storm tomar por asalto
take by storm tomar por asalto
take into account tomar en cuenta
take into account pensar
take into account calcular
take into account considerar
take into account incluir
take into account abarcar
take into account incluir
take into account tener en cuenta
take into custody detener
take into custody arrestar
take its toll infligir pérdidas
take someone in tow cargar con alguien
take to heart ocuparse de
take to heart tomar algo a pecho
take to heart encargarse de
tending to propenso a
tear into ribbons hacer tiras
tear into ribbons desgarrar
add to incrementar
add to aumentar
add to agregar a
add to contribuir a
add to conducir a
apt to propenso a
as to en cuanto a
due to a causa de
due to debido a
get to alcanzar
lie to estar al pairo
pin to prender
pin to fijar
see to encargarse de
see to reparar
see to arreglar
set-to refriega
set-to lucha
set-to disputa
stoop to rebajarse a
stoop to dignarse
to a nicety perfectamente
to a nicety a la precisión
to and fro de acá para allá
to date hasta hoy
to date hasta la fecha
to date hasta ahora
to match que hace juego
to one side torcidamente
to one side oblicuamente
to pieces en pedazos
to spare de sobra
to the side aparte
to the side al lado
try to intentar
up to hasta
be tied to estar ligado con
be tied to estar vinculado con
fall to pieces romperse en pedazos
smash to pieces romper
smash to pieces hacer añicos
give preferential treatment to favorecer
try to get out of something intentar escaparse de algo
try to locate tratar de encontrar
try to locate tratar de localizar
try to persuade tratar de convencer
turn into convertirse
turn into volverse
turn into meterse en
turn one's stomach revolver el estómago
turn one's stomach dar asco a
turn one's stomach dar náuseas a
turn out to be resultar ser
turn out to be better than expected sobrepasar las expectativas de uno
turn out to be better than expected ser mejor de lo imaginado
turn out to be better than expected exceder las expectativas de uno
turn out to be worse than expected salir mal
turn out to be worse than expected salir peor de lo esperado
turn out to be worse than expected ser desilusionante
turn out to be worse than expected dejar mucho que desear
attribute to imputar a
attribute to achacar a
attribute to atribuir a
according to the regulations de acuerdo con las reglamentaciones
according to the regulations seg n las reglas
according to the rules de acuerdo con las reglamentaciones
according to the rules seg n las reglas
add spice to condimentar
add spice to sazonar
add the finishing touches to terminar
add the finishing touches to dar los ltimos toques
add the finishing touches to agregar los ltimos detalles
in addition to además de
in addition to aparte de
asbestos asbesto
ask leave to inspect permitir inspeccionar
ask leave to inspect dar permiso para revisar
ask leave to inspect dar entrada a
aspire to aspirar a
aspire to ambicionar
assume to oneself usurpar
assume to oneself arrogarse
assume to oneself apropiarse
astonish asombrar
astonish sorprender
astonished aturdido
astonished pasmado
astonished boquiabierto
astonished asombrado
astonished embobado
astonished sorprendido
astonished atolondrado
astonished estupefacto
astonished desconcertado
astonishing pasmoso
astonishing extraordinario
astonishing asombroso
astonishment estupefacción
astonishment sorpresa
astonishment asombro
astonishment asombro
astound desconcertar
astound pasmar
astound consternar
astound asombrar
astound sorprender
astounded pasmado
astounded boquiabierto
astounded aturdido
astounded embobado
astounded atolondrado
astounded estupefacto
astounded desconcertado
astounding increíble
astounding desconcertante
astounding sorprendente
astounding asombroso
astounding fabuloso
astounding estupendo
be assigned to ser colocado en
be assigned to ser asignado a
be astonished estar maravillado
be astonished pasmarse
be astonished sorprenderse
be astonished asombrarse
so as to para
so as to cause provocando
so as to cause causando
shift onto quitarse de encima
shift onto descargarse sobre
shift onto pasar a
shift the blame onto echar la culpa a
speak in a monotone hablar en una monótona
stick out one's tongue sacar la lengua
stick to one's principles ser fiel a los propios principios
stick to the point no dar vueltas
stick to the point mantenerse en el asunto
stick to the point dejarse de rodeos
stick to the rules ceñirse a las reglas
stick together aglutinarse
submit to defeat darse por vencido
subscribe towards aportar ... para
be subject to estar expuesto a
be subject to estar sujeto a
be subject to estar sujeto a
succeed to the throne suceder a la corona
to the rear en popa
to the rear atrás
to the rear a popa
to this day hasta hoy
to this day hasta la fecha
to this day hasta ahora
be perpendicular to ser perpendicular a
heart-to-heart íntimo
heart-to-heart franco
to the left a la izquierda
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