It — English Spanish translation3 translations found

it (o) (pers. pron. - direct object) la (o) (pers. pron. - direct object)
it (o) (pers. pron. - direct object) lo (o) (pers. pron. - direct object)
it (o) (pers. pron. - subject) eso (o) (pers. pron. - subject)
It examples212 examples found
be at one's wits end estar para volverse loco
be at one's wits end estar desesperado
be at one's wits end no saber qué hacer
be on bad terms with llevarse mal con
be on good terms with tener un buen trato con
be on good terms with llevarse bien con
be on intimate terms with ser amigo íntimo de
be scared out of one's wits darse un susto increíble
be scared out of one's wits estar terriblemente asustado
be scared out of one's wits estar totalmente asustado
be scared out of one's wits estar muerto de miedo
be to one's credit hacer honor a alguien
be to one's credit honrar a alguien
buy on credit comprar a plazos
go out on a date with tener una cita con
go out on a date with salir con
identify oneself with identificarse con
in one's own handwriting escrita a mano
in one's own handwriting personal
let one's tongue get away with one dejar escapar
let one's tongue get away with one tirar de la manta
let one's tongue get away with one descubrir el pastel
one-arm bandit máquina tragamonedas
one-armed bandit máquina tragamonedas
scared out of one's wits muerto de miedo
trouble oneself with molestarse con
trouble oneself with preocuparse por
uplift one's spirits levantarle los ánimos de alguien
you can't go back on it now no sirve de nada lamentarse ahora
you can't go back on it now a lo hecho pecho
get over it aceptarlo
get over it digerirlo
get over it tragárselo
get over it sobrepasarlo
overcapitalize sobrecapitalizar
overgrown with invadido por
overgrown with cubierto de
overrun with invadido por
overrun with cubierto de
overwhelm with noise asordar
overwhelm with noise ensordecer
beat it irse
beat it perderse
beat it largarse
call it even estar a mano
chuck it abandonar
chuck it dejar
chuck it renunciar a
damn it córcholis
damn it mecachis
damn it maldito sea
do-it-yourself bricolaje
give it to regañar
give it to echar un rapa polvo
give it to echar una bronca
give it to reprender
hand it to admitir que
hand it to reconocer que
hit it off llevarse bien
it was dead quiet podía oírse el vuelo de una mosca
it was dead quiet estaba totalmente silencioso
it was dead still podía oírse el vuelo de una mosca
it was dead still estaba totalmente silencioso
it's my treat invito yo
it's true en efecto
it's true efectivamente
it's true es cierto
know-it-all sabihondo
know-it-all sabiondo
know-it-all sabelotodo
know-it-all pedante
know-it-all sabidillo
know-it-all sabihonda
know-it-all engreída
know-it-all sabionda
know-it-all sabelotodo
know-it-all engreído
know-it-all jactanciosa
know-it-all orgullosa
know-it-all presumida
know-it-all fanfarrona
know-it-all fanfarrón
know-it-all orgulloso
know-it-all presumido
know-it-all jactancioso
know-it-all sabidilla
lay it on exagerar
lay it on colmar de zalamerías
on it sobre él
on it arriba
on it sobre
over it por encima de
over it sobre eso
take it aceptarlo
take it digerirlo
take it tragárselo
take it sobrepasarlo
take it easy tómalo con calma
take it easy serenarse
take it easy tomar con calma
throw it up abandonar
throw it up dejar
throw it up renunciar a
with it incluido
beatitude beatitud
chuck it in abandonar
chuck it in dejar
chuck it in renunciar a
be taken with entrarle a uno el deseo de
can't take it anymore no poder soportar algo más
can't take it anymore no poder aguantar algo más
cannot take it anymore no poder soportar algo más
cannot take it anymore no poder aguantar algo más
take its toll infligir pérdidas
take priority ser prioritario
take priority tener prioridad
take priority over tener prioridad sobre
take the blame for it aceptar la culpa por algo
take the blame for it aceptar la responsabilidad por algo
take the credit for atribuirse el mérito por
take the rap for it aceptar la culpa por algo
take the rap for it aceptar la responsabilidad por algo
take up a ... position on adoptar una posición ... hacia
take up a ... position on tomar una posición ... hacia
be able to cope with it poder resolver algo
be able to cope with it poder arreglárselas
be capable of dealing with it poder resolver algo
be capable of dealing with it poder arreglárselas
be fed up with it estar cansado de
be fed up with it estar harto de
join without being invited colarse
with capital rico
with capital holgado
with capital desahogado
with capital acomodado
with capital acaudalado
with no limiting conditions libre de condiciones
with no limiting conditions sin condiciones
with no limiting conditions sin compromiso ninguno
without commitment sin compromiso
without limit sin límite
without limit libremente
without limit a voluntad
without limit a discreción
without limits sin límites ni fronteras
without limits ilimitado
without speed limit sin límite de velocidad
get along with llevarse bien con
get along with llevarse bien con
get away with no ser castigado
get credit for reconocer el crédito
get credit for atribuir el crédito
get infected with contraer
get infected with coger
get off with escaparse con
not get very far with no tener mucho éxito
not get very far with no ir muy lejos
not get very far with no conseguir mucho
in conformity with conforme con
in conformity with conforme a
in conformity with conforme a
in conformity with de conformidad con
in conformity with de acuerdo a
informality sencillez
make a date with hacer planes para salir con
make bitter agriar
make bitter amargar
make familiar with acostumbrar a
make familiar with familiarizar con
make fruitful fertilizar
make fruitful fecundar
make it up to compensar por
make it worth one's while hacer valer la pena
do away with liquidar
do away with cerrar
do away with suprimir
do away with disolver
do business with tratar con
do business with comerciar con
do without pasarse sin
do without prescindir de
docility sumisión
docility docilidad
docility obediencia
dog biscuit galleta para perros
domesticity domesticidad
dormitory dormitorio
lose contact with perder el contacto con
lose touch with perder el contacto con
lose vitality languidecer
lose vitality flaquear
lose vitality decaer
lose vitality marchitarse
be able to cope with poder hacer frente
coppersmith calderero
copywriter redactora de textos publicitarios
copywriter redactor de textos publicitarios
tonality tonalidad
tonsillitis tonsilitis
tonsillitis amigdalitis
topped with cubierto con
topped with rematado con
topped with decorado con
topped with con ... encima
totalitarian totalitario
totality suma
totality importe
totality totalidad
totality totalidad
toy with acariciar
toy with jugar con
catch up with alcanzar
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