Pot — English German translation11 translations found

pot Tiegel
pot Schalenkern
pot (n) (gambling) Pot (m) (n) (gambling)
pot (n) (hygiene) Töpfchen (n) (n) (hygiene)
pot (n) (container) Topf (m) (n) (container)
pot (n) Kessel (m) (n)
pot (n) (hygiene) Nachttopf (m) (n) (hygiene)
pot (n) (quantity) Kanne (f) (n) (quantity)
pot (n) (body) Wampe (f) (n) (body)
pot (n) Topf (m) (n)
pot (n) (body) Schmerbauch (m) (n) (body)
Pot examples14 examples found
chamber pot Töpfchen
chamber pot Nachttopf
chamber pot Nachttopf
chimney pot Schornsteinaufsatz
go to pot verschlechtern
go to pot sich verschlechtern
go to pot ganz kaputt gehen
go to pot bergabwärts gehen
go to pot zurückgehen
POT line Fernsprechanschluß
POT service Sprachdienst
POT service konventioneller Fernsprechdienst
pot-au-feu Potaufeu
pot-core coil Schalenkernspule
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